COVID-19 Information and Resources
Region10 PIHP understands that COVID-19 information and news continues to change and is updated almost daily. We would like to provide access to different resources and information to employees of the PIHP and provider affiliates, as well as information for those individuals that we serve. We continue to work with our providers and staff to ensure that everyone is equipped with resources to stay healthy and safe.
Individuals in need of Community Mental Health Services should contact their local Community Mental Health office or call our Access line at (866)211-5455 for Genesee County Residents and 888-225-4447 for Lapeer, Sanilac or St. Clair County Residents. For 24 Hour Crisis services please call (877) 346-3648 for Genesee County Residents and 888-225-4447 for Lapeer, Sanilac or St. Clair County Residents.
Community Support Lines
Community Support Lines
Many people are experiencing a range of emotions, stressors, and changes because of the current Pandemic. Individuals in need of support as it relates to the current COVID-19 Pandemic, can use the following numbers and resources to connect with help:
- St. Clair County Community Mental Health COVID Support line has phone, text and e-mail options and is available Monday- Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. The Support Line is staffed by mental health professionals. E-mail: Call: (810) 985-8900 Text: (810) 956-633
- Sanilac County Community Mental Health COVID Support line is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 am- 4:00 pm. The community support line is staffed with mental health professionals; call (810) 648-0330.
- Michigan Coronavirus Hotline is open 7 days a week from 8am-5pm. Public health and other experts will answer health-related questions about COVID-19: 1-888-535-6136. Questions can be emailed 24/7 and will be answered 7 days a week from 8am-5pm:
- MDHHS offers a warm line for individuals with mental health conditions from 10:00 am-2:00 am by calling 888-PEER- 753 (888-733-7753). For the crisis hotline open 24/7, text the word “RESTORE” to 741741.
Call the main CDC information line at 800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) and ask for the Clinician On-Call Center
General Public Resources and Information
General Public Resources and Information
- The Center for Disease Control (CDC) website providers information on symptoms, safety, assistance, updates, frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and more.
- This CoronaVirus website provides information on how to prepare and protect yourself and steps to follow if you feel you are sick.
- State of Michigan’s website has information on COVID-19 and updates that are specific to Michigan.
- SAMHSA: Tips For Social Distancing, Quarantine, And Isolation During An Infectious Disease Outbreak PDF
Staff Resources and Information
Staff Resources and Information
- How to Protect Yourself and Others (PDF printout available)
- This PDF contains information on coping with Stress during Infection Disease Outbreak
- This PDF includes resource/tips for Health Care Workers, recognizing stress/burnout, and ways to stay healthy and manage stress.
Provider Resources
Provider Resources
- ABA Providers
- Information on getting sites/clinic ready (PDF printout available)
- Additional information on CDC Line/MDHHS line/Warm Lines CDC Clinician on Call Information
COVID Literature
COVID Literature
Stories about Heroes during the COVID-19 Pandemic:
- This article highlights a therapist working with individuals in Michigan. COVID-19 Heroes: Treating our collective Trauma
- This article addresses the positive work being done by our Heroes on the frontline all across the United States.
- This article discusses social distancing and self-quarantine.
Special Population Resources/Information
Special Population Resources/Information
- This PDF has information on COVID-19 and Down Syndrome:
Q&A on COVID-19 and Down Syndrome
- ACL: Administration for Community Living for aged and those with disabilities. Information for individuals that are older or have a disability can be found on this website.
- Coping resources for (pre-Adolescent) Children
- The Implications of COVID-19 on Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
- This article addresses the Behavioral Health disparities among different ethnic groups as it relates to COVID-19
Myth Busters
Myth Busters
Information on common rumors/statements regarding COVID-19:
- Michigan Health Endowment Fund Presentation on telehealth: